Gifts of the Spirit

There are different gifts but the same Spirit; there are different ministries but the same Lord; there are different works but the same God who accomplishes all of them in everyone. To each person the manifestation of the Spirit is given for the common good. To one the Spirit gives wisdom in discourse, to another the power to express knowledge. Through the Spirit one receives faith; by the same Spirit another is given the gift of healing, and still another miraculous powers. Prophecy is given to one; to another power to distinguish one spirit from another. One receives the gift of tongues, another that of interpreting the tongues. But it is one and the same Spirit
who produces all these gifts distributing them to each as he wills.
1 Corinthians 12:4-11
May we all live the gifts that we have been given in humble service to God and others.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Confession~ A balm for the soul

I have been thinking a lot lately about the Sacrament of Reconciliation. 
I have a regular confessor who also acts as my spiritual director, and over the past few years I have really learned to love and appreciate this Sacrament.

Sadly, many  Catholics do not avail themselves of this great gift of the Church.

A therapist friend of mine often says "When things are right with you, the things around you become right."  There is a lot of wisdom there that can be brought into the context of confession. 

The USCCB published this wonderful list outlining 10 benefits of confession  This is from the article. 
Peace of soul leads to peace of heart leads to peace beyond oneself.
If there is peace my soul and in my heart, that is the start to peace in the world.  I can't think of a better reason for confession, can you?

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Vocation Awareness Week

It is Vocation Awareness Week. 

As we all know, too well, there is a serious lack of vocations to the priesthood and religious life in our diocese.  I leave out the Permanent Diaconate, because I believe that our diocese is fairly strong in fostering this vocation, as there are 9 (or there about) men who are in formation who are scheduled to be ordained this year, and many more in various other stages of formation.  Praise be to God for these men and their families!

That said, I find it very sad that except for St. CharlesBorromeo in Greece, who dedicated the front page of their bulletin to vocations awareness and St. Pius X in Chili, who published the prayer for vocations in their bulletin, I found no other parish bulletin in Rochester that even mentioned Vocations Awareness Week.   And to make matters even worse, there is no mention of it at all on the DORwebsite, or the “Vocations Home Page”, which incidentally, does not look like it has been updated in quite a while.

Vocation Awareness Week should be an important part of every parish.   We should be praying for and fostering vocations and  the only way to really do this is to actually talk about them!!      
Wouldn’t be wonderful to hear your priest tell his vocation story in a homily?  To talk about how he heard “the call” and what he did to foster that?  I would bet the farm that he would say that at some point, it was another parishioner who planted the seed in his heart, or who saw his potential and encouraged him.  And isn’t that our job?  Prayers are important, but sometimes, you actually have to do something!!

Take a moment, pray for all priests, deacons, and religious brothers & sister and pray that we, as a Church, can foster more vocations and that we all will live the vocation that God has planned for us with joyful hearts.  And if you know a young man or woman, who you think may have a vocation to the religious life- talk to them about it! 
Encourage them!! Be there for them!!  Do Something!!
Lord Jesus, once You called the first disciples in order to make them fishers of men. Continue to let resound today Your sweet invitation: “Come and Follow Me.”

Grant to young men and women the grace of responding promptly to Your voice. Sustain our bishops, priests, and consecrated souls in their apostolic work. Give perseverance to our seminarians and to all those who are fulfilling the ideal of a life of total consecration to Your service.

Enkindle in our communities a missionary zeal. Send, Lord, workers into Your fields and do not let mankind be lost because of a lack of pastors, missionaries, and people dedicated to the cause of the Gospel.

Mary, Mother of the Church, Model of Vocations, help us say “Yes” to the Lord Who calls us to collaborate in the divine design of salvation. Amen.
~Pope John Paul II

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Thoughts on the new translation

While I still am having some issues with some parts of the new translation, I am finding that I am loving some of the new "Collects".  This is the one from Friday, January 6th.
What beautiful imagery!

Cast your kindly light upon your faithful, Lord, we pray, and with the splendor of your glory, set their hearts ever aflame, that they may never cease to acknowledge their Savior and may truly hold fast to him. Who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God forever and ever. Amen.