Gifts of the Spirit

There are different gifts but the same Spirit; there are different ministries but the same Lord; there are different works but the same God who accomplishes all of them in everyone. To each person the manifestation of the Spirit is given for the common good. To one the Spirit gives wisdom in discourse, to another the power to express knowledge. Through the Spirit one receives faith; by the same Spirit another is given the gift of healing, and still another miraculous powers. Prophecy is given to one; to another power to distinguish one spirit from another. One receives the gift of tongues, another that of interpreting the tongues. But it is one and the same Spirit
who produces all these gifts distributing them to each as he wills.
1 Corinthians 12:4-11
May we all live the gifts that we have been given in humble service to God and others.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Thank You BXVI!

On his way to Portugal while speaking to reporters, the Holy Father made the following comment,

"The greatest persecution of the church doesn't come from enemies on the outside but is born from the sins within the church," the pontiff said. "The church needs to profoundly relearn penitence, accept purification, learn forgiveness but also justice."

 While I agree that the media, and many others have jumped on the "anti-Catholic" bandwagon in recent months, the one issue I have always had is that is seemed that the "blame game" was even being played by the Vatican.(Remember, back in 2002, when the "scandal" broke here in the States, it was an "American problem!")

My prayers have been answered!
Let the healing begin!!

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